It’s common knowledge that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.  The Food Literacy Project (FLP) understands this, in spades.

The organization is about youth transforming their communities through food, farming, and the land. It works toward a vision for a healthy and equitable community where people and places thrive by leveraging food and sustainable agriculture, youth leadership, cross-sector partnerships, and neighborhood assets.

FLP helps youth, families, and community members discover their power to affect change in their own communities through Field-to-Fork out-of-school-time clubs and the Youth Community Agriculture Program (YCAP). YCAP enables youth to farm, cook, break bread, communicate, and activate change together, directly impacting their experience of place and relationships within the food system – as well as their taste buds, health, sense of community, and ability to succeed. As youth empower themselves with new knowledge and skills, they become key drivers in advancing a vision for a healthy and equitable community.

FLP is working to move its farming operations to a 10-acre property in southwest Louisville.  The Norton Foundation is pleased to support FLP with a three-year grant (2024 – 2026) to provide financial assistance for this move, as well as to support an expanded YCAP crew and school programs.  Through this move, FLP expects to double its impact and extend its reach to more neighborhoods desiring increased access to healthful foods and the experience of growing their own food.

An investment in youth is an investment in our future.  We are thrilled to support FLP.