Americana World Community Center is an important organization in our city. Some would argue that is more true today than ever. Its mission is to provide holistic services to Louisville’s refugee, immigrant, and underserved population to build strong and healthy families, create a safe and supportive community and help every individual realize their potential.

The Norton Foundation has for many years supported Americana’s Youth Programs. These programs provide out of school time enrichment and educational programming for youth during the summer and after school. Specifically, the foundation supports the Community Garden and the Creative Arts Program.

These components of the Youth Programs fit nicely with the foundation’s funding goals. The Community Garden imparts practical skills and a sense of competency and confidence in youth. It also provides the youth with a much needed opportunity to interact with and learn through nature. Americana uses the Community Garden to engage youth in hands-on activities and teaches them about nutrition, healthy foods, and practical skills associated with preparing and preserving fresh food.

The Creative Arts Program is a way for youth who speak limited English and who have experienced trauma to manage their stress and support the development of a healthy bi-cultural identity. It offers a balanced emphasis on creative expression, skill-based learning, and emotional and social development – all key Norton Foundation goals.

Americana’s guiding values include Human Dignity, Social Justice, and Holistic Development. The Norton Foundation couldn’t agree more about the importance of these values and is pleased to support this organization.