The COVID-19 pandemic took us all by surprise in early 2020. Within weeks schools were closed, people had to isolate in their homes, and businesses shut their doors. Vulnerable individuals were especially hard hit, as many faced job layoffs, struggled to pay the rent, and put food on the table. Louisville’s nonprofit community had to pivot quickly as resources dried up, but the need became so much greater.

In response to this global pandemic, the Community Foundation of Louisville established the One Louisville: COVID-19 Response Fund. This served as a place for individuals, corporations, and foundations to pool their contributions in order to provide swift financial support to those most vulnerable to the physical health, mental health, and economic impacts of the pandemic.

The Norton Foundation participated in this community-wide effort with a gift of $100,000 to the fund. In total $10.9 million was contributed, and $10.9 million was distributed to individuals and households, as well as nonprofit organizations. Funds supported low-income individuals, children/youth, homeless individuals, senior citizens, immigrants, etc. Nonprofits of all budget sizes received grants. Some of the impact included 147,000 meals served and deliveries of food and basic necessities, as well as 500+ nonprofit staff retained.

Louisville is a compassionate community that is able to quickly come together in crisis to help our fellow citizens. We are now on the tail end of the pandemic and while it will take time for our society to fully recover, The Norton Foundation will continue to be a proud partner in this community.